Naomi Armitage
  Characters: A
  Story: A+
  Animation: A
  Dub / Sub: C+ / I 
  Music: A-
  Reviewer's Tilt: A
  Penalty: C
  Total: B+
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Armitage III: Polymatrix

Version(s) Seen: English Dubbed
Category / Genre: Cyborg, Police, Action
Year: 1997 (Japan) / 1997 (US)
Age Suitability: 15+ (Violence, Brief Nudity, Adult Situations)
Date Reviewed: Wednesday, September 3, 2003

Overview: (VHS Back)
     2179: Mars has been colonized by Earth, populated by humans and 'Second Types' robots - robots designed to perform the menial tasks humans won't do. Then there are the 'Third Types' - illegal humanoid robots designed by a nationalist force to look and behave exactly like humans - living undetected among the Martian population as citizens, until one man, D'anclaude, declares war on the 'Thirds,' starting a massacre in a vow to destroy them all. 
     That's where she comes in. 
     She's Naomi Armitage. A cyber-punk Martian cop in hot pants, with an attitude as deadly as her gun. She's also a 'Third", and her fight against D'anclaude is a fight for her survival. Her partner, Ross Sylibus, lost his partner at the hands of a cybernetic killer and hates robots. 
     Ross must face this prejudice when he is injured and received cybernetic limb replacements, bringing him closer to becoming one of the monsters he abhors. He begins to realize that being human is more then just flesh and blood and joins Armitage in her fight against D'anclaude and her quest to discover the mystery of why the 'Third Type' was created. Armitage and Ross are brought together in a bond of love and hope as their journey uncovers a secret that could destroy two worlds! 
     This is a story about technology and emotion. About hatred and love. About a human on the verge of becoming a machine and a machine on the verge of becoming a human.
     What a good movie...I was pleasantly surpassed.  Mainly when you see the main female character dresses like....the way she is you tend think those closes will come off a lot, thankfully they didn't.  Put a t-shirt on over the bra and get rid of the straps on the shorts and she would look 150% cooler, but that's just me.
      Anyway on with the story, but first the dubbing.  When you dub anime for american release you usually get people who do voiceovers professionally, so when I see names of movie stars on the from I have the felling of "this is gonna suck".  This time I was half wrong Kiefer Sutherland does a very good job as Ross Sylibus, although none to distinctive I've hear this type of voice several times from different actors, however Elizabeth Berkley (who peaked in Saved by the Bell) does a voice no different than here own, which for someone like Naomi Armitage just doesn't fit at all.  I would have preferred maybe Lisa Ortiz or Wendee Lee.
      Back to the story, an overall excellent mix of the classic humanoid robot in a human world with a mix of interplanetary politics.  Nothing overly new, but well crafted and thought out. 
      A definite must see. 

       VHS (dub) Buy at
        DVD (sub and dub) Buy at
        by Pioneer
Thomas Sargent
Ross SylibusD'anclaudeJulian Moore