  Characters: C
  Story: D-
  Animation: B+
  CG: B
  Mecha Designs: A-
  Dub / Sub: B+ / I
  Music: B+
  Reviewer's Tilt: C-
  Penalty: C-
  Total: C-
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Galaxy Angel

Episodes (Total): 26  (TV)
Episodes (Seen): 1-13 (English Dubbed)
Category / Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction
Year: 2001 (Japan) / 2004 (US)
Age Suitability: 15+ (Action, Skimpy Clothing)
Date Reviewed: Thursday, July 1st, 2004

Overview: (DVD Back)
     Milfeulle Sakuraba is the newest member of the Angel Brigade, a branch of the Transvaal Empire military whose primary mission is to search for relics known as "Lost Technology". The only problem is: no one actually knows what the Lost Technology is! Relegated to performing menial tasks of the highest priorities: a search for lost kittens, defusing of a talking missile, and delivering an old school I.D.  The Angel Brigade's here to save the galaxy.  One planet at a time! 
     Cute girls, bad show.   When compared to something like Angel Tales is is much better, but that ain't saying much.  What is it that with all the women with unnaturally large chests in anime these days?  I think the creators of this show watched a bit too much Japanese dubbed Baywatch.
     Let's go down the main cast shall we? Look! Bulletpoints!
  • Milfeulle - Probably the most interesting character, I like the "super good luck" aspect of her but, sadly it seems tossed aside later.
  • Forte - Second most interesting, it's been too long since I've seen a girl bent of blowing things up, her design is like a conservative Naga.  Although, I like the monocle, that's neat. 
  • Ranpha - Rather typical.
  • Mint - Cute as a button, is she part sheep?  The responsible younger member of the group.
  • Vanilla - Rei Ayanami, but younger. Kinda like Ruri from Nadesico.  She talks as if everything is "test from god."
    There are some good moments, you'll laugh the first time you watch it.  The second time I watched it I fell asleep.  I think this show would have been better if a stronger plot was put in.  The episodes are shorter than normal, there is room for improvement.    If you must see it,  I would suggest renting it, and then only if you have a free rental you don't know what to use on. 

     DVD (dub/sub) Buy at Amazon.com
        by Bandai
Thomas Sargent