Ran and Aira
  Characters: B
  Story: B+
  Animation: C-
  Dub / Sub: B- / I
  Music: B+
  Reviewer's Tilt: B-
  Penalty: C-
  Total: C+
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Green Legend Ran

Japanese Name: 
Japanese Name (Translation): 
North American Name: Green Legend Ran
Also Known As:

Episodes (Total): 3 (OAV)
Episodes (Seen): 1-3 (All) (English Dubbed/VHS Edited)
Category / Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi 
Year: 1992 (Japan) / 1998 (US)
Age Suitability: 13+ (Violence, Very Brief Nudity)
Date Reviewed: Thursday, August 26th, 2004

Overview: (VHS Back)
     A story of future Earth - A warning for mankind: In the future, our planet will be transformed into a strange new world where human life struggles on an Earth without rain or oceans - only vast, parched deserts. 
     Two youths fight for survival on our hostile planet and find hope. The sea, the sky and the land had been completely polluted by mankind when mysterious objects fall from the heavens. These titanic vessels smash into the planet and suck up the air, water, and most living creatures into their womb, stealing away the very essence of Earth’s nature. 
     The few remaining inhabitants struggle for survival against a hostile environment and an oppressive ruling race known as the Rodo. One young, hot-blooded human named Ran, fights against the Rodo and a world in which rain is only a legend. He strives to join an Anti-Rodo group known as the Hazzard, not only to defeat the Rodo, but also to hunt down the man who killed his mother. 
     During his struggles, Ran falls in love with Aira, a pretty young girl with astonishing silver hair. 
     Errrr.....not bad, not great, but not bad.  First off the characters aren't all that bad, but thet seem a little flat.  The story is good, howerver it feels a little rushed and the origin of Rodo isn't really explained that well.  I certainly did not like the part where the young Ran smoked, but that was a very small scene.  Why it was even there? It's dumb and adds nothing.
     The animation varies greatly some parts the animation is fair and sometimes (in large part at the start) it's really bad.  It gets better at the end but still remains inconsistent.   I think it could have been (longer and maybe better)  if we had just a little more some more backstory and maybe an ending that showed what happens to everyone else would be nice.  But maybe that's asking too much.   I hear this version we have is edited who knows maybe they edited out some good stuff. 
     However. until then. I give this movie a weak rental recomenation. I'm not saying go out this very second and rent it.  I'm just saying if you see it, and have a few extra dollars and a few hours, and there really isn't much else pick it up.

        DVD (dub/sub) Buy at Amazon.com
            by Pioneer 
Thomas Sargent