  Characters: C
  Story: B
  Animation: B+
  Dub / Sub: B / I
  Music: B
  Reviewer's Tilt: D-
  Total: C
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Episodes (Total): 13 (TV)
Episodes (Seen): 1 (English Dubbed)
Category / Genre: Romance, Shonen-ai, Music
Year: 2000 (Japan) / 2004 (US)
Based on the Manga By: Maki Murakami
Age Suitability: 12+ (Romance)
Date Reviewed: Friday, September 17th, 2004

Overview: (Anime News Network)
     Shuichi Shindou wants to make a famous band. He works on his band, hoping to get a chance in the public eye, with nothing on his mind but his fame and musical ambitions. However, one fateful night when Shuichi is working on song lyrics, his paper with his lyrics gets blown away from him, and a stranger picks them up. 
     The man is Yuki, a famous romance novelist who tells Shuichi that his writing skills are grade school level. From that moment on, Shuichi is determined to find Yuki and have him explain his rudeness... he just doesn't realize that it was love at first sight for him. When Shuichi finally finds Yuki, it's a journey of obstacles, frightening experiences and haunting pasts trying to keep them apart. But, it's just the gravitation of fate and love that always pulls these lovers back together everytime.
     This "review"show be taken like grain of salt.  For one thing I've only seen only episode and number two, I'm am far and away from the target audience of this, being a male who is not gay.  The first thing that I noticed about his is the use of live action in some backgrounds and establishing shots.  While interesting, I'm not too sure I'd like to see more of it.  
      I'm sorry, but this show has far too many infeminite men for my liking.  Ai Orikasa (who plays Quarte in Gundam Wing) plays Tohma Seguchi (bottom center) who looks just like Quarte. I'd have to say my favorite character is the manager Sakano (bottom right) who seems to act like he's SD even though he isn't, like an escape fom Excel Saga or Digi Chart.   If you were to make a spin-off of this show I'd say Sakano, or hell just make a DVD with everything Sakano does in the show and I'll he happy.
     As for the rest of the show, the behind the music part is somewhat interesting, but I just can't get past the relationship part. The problem is not that their gay, it's just I don't really care for these characters.  Way to infeminite for my taste in anime.  Don't look for any updates to this review.

     DVD (dub/sub) Buy at Amazon.com
         by Right Stuff
Thomas Sargent